How to find motivation to work out

Getting motivated to work out is often not easy. Having spent all day at work, it takes a lot of strength to convince oneself to exercise at home. You often write to us that the best way for you to get motivated is by watching our instructional videos. This makes us happy! We’ll keep on going. But to keep you motivated no matter how hard this is, we have a few hints for you to start jumping and stick with it.


Don't forget why you started

It's very important to remember why you started to jump. What your objective is and why you're doing it. Set a measurable goal first and try to achieve it. Ones you accomplish it, you'll love fitness jumping so much you won't be able to stop.

Look at jumping more as a new direction and beginning. This sport can introduce you to a new lifestyle and become a part of your life. And if not, at least you'll make new friends interested in this sport.

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Everything in moderation

You'll be full of enthusiasm and euphoric at your first work-out session. Jumping on a trampoline, however, is not as easy as it might first appear. As they say, don't exercise too hard in the beginning. Alternate exercises from our videos and rest and don't forget to thoroughly stretch your body after the workout.

Gradually, you’ll be able to see progress in your performance, getting more and more excited with each and every practice.


Don't work out alone

If you make excuses all the time for not having time, have a friend to work out with you. Fix an appointment you’ll just won’t be able to cancel, whether for a group class or working out at home. Just keep the word.

If you don't have anyone like that, then make a deal with someone who won't work out with you but will keep you going. A family member, for example.

On the other hand, it's normal that you don't feel like exercising or don't enjoy workout at times. There is no point for you then to struggle. You want to enjoy jumping.


Sign up for a Jumping fitness weekend

This is perhaps the best and most successful motivation of all. Sign up for one of our Jumping fitness weekends and enjoy a few days of fun, jumping and, most importantly, gaining experience. Once you register you will feel encouraged to start trying harder, jumping regularly and efficiently. But don't worry, we won't torment you. You can check the video of the last weekend meeting we organised.



It's not just about jumping on a trampoline. You need to find a sport you enjoy. Jumping fitness may not even be the right thing for you. But discovering a sport that you love simply means finding a regular part of your life. And that's what matters.

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